I have some issues with the display of some modules (not all).
Situation :
For example, I have a module "Latests" without conditions "So the module will be shown on all pages".
Confidential information:
For two modules (at least), module is displayed for {ROOT_URL}/fr but not for {ROOT_URL}/en
The 2 modules concerned are :
Hikashop Module
Content display for Hikashop
Gantry 5 Particle
This module allows you to add particles to module positions.
I don't know if it's linked but I had a problem with a module that I has duplicated (1 of the 2 modules that doesn't work properly with AAM).
Before the install of AMM I have never encountered this error. I have changed the name of my module (I removed accentued characters) and error is gone. (Now even with the old name, it's works).
It's maybe not related to AMM but just in case.
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
Sorry for the delay.
As we do some tests on other website, I have created a new website (a copy of the other) for you.
(So that our modifications don't interfere with you).
I installed the latest development version but the problem persists.
Confidential information:
EDIT : I have done some additional tests : Problems seem to occur only (maybe) for the modules duplicated from another. I don't know why, but I think that it's a path to explore.
(And maybe especially the modules duplicated of another module named with accentued characters).